
Student Grant

Pitch to a panel of your teachers

Funding for your Film

Each academic year, the students in our year-long courses have the possibility to earn prize money for their Final Films. The money may be used towards covering production costs such as paying professional actors, renting locations, purchasing props or costumes, and more.
The winners are selected based on their Final Film Pitch, which is a short presentation made to a panel of teachers and mentors. The best ideas – with the most prepared production plans – win the grant awards. This process mimics the process by which most films are financed in the industry; it all comes down to “the elevator pitch” to a panel of producers. 
In order to be eligible for these Filmmaking Grants, students must be in good academic standing in all their classes. Your teachers vote on the best film ideas and the winners are announced by Founder of our school, film producer Viktor Krištof. 

The jury, made up by your teachers and mentors

Distribution of funds

The exact number of student films which earn a grant is relative to the number of students in that particular academic year and solely based on the jury’s decision. Each grant-winning film will receive a minimum of 5000 – 7500 CZK.  The total amount distributed each year is a maximum of 75 000 CZK.

Pitches by previous student grant winners



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